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elf-employed - when you love what you do, make it your vocation, have a lot of freedom, dedication, often passion, when you’re crazy and courageous enough to go for it, put in the hours, and hours, and hours and keep on growing and evolving whatever is that what you do.

I often hear ‘woow, how great it is that you can do all that, travel, have days off when you choose to…’ - they are right, that is absolutely awesome. And that is absolutely something that I show much more than what’s behind the scenes - not because I don’t value it, but because Egremni beach in Greece is far better photo than schedule of my next events and emails with the organizers.

So, here’s something else, honouring the journey I’ve just been on - space of a dance ceremony that I just held here in Zagreb, diving deep with the theme of Re-Balance. Here I am after a whole day (literally) of deep beautiful work, hours of preparation (years and years of training and education), from heavy lifting to holding a hand in need to being touched by the Spirit and by all the beautiful people I had an honour to work with today, feeling love in every cell within me and the space around us, here I am, just finished my working Sunday, got home at 11, walked my dog and hugged my loved ones. It is glorious what we do. And at the same time it is often not sexy at all. So here’s to all the work behind the work itself, to what we often don’t show, but humbly take as a part of this journey. And here’s to all the balance in the world for everyone of us, whatever our working modality is.

I don’t call it hard work anymore. I call it dedicated work.


Samozaposlen - kad voliš ono što radiš, napraviš to svojim pozivom, imaš puno slobode, posvećenosti, često strasti, kada si dovoljno lud i hrabar da se odlučiš na to, da uložiš sate i sate i sate i da nastaviš rasti i razvijati to što god da radiš.

Često čujem ‘wooow, kako je sjajno što to radiš, što možeš putovati, što imaš slobodne dane kada to izabereš.’ - apsolutno su u pravu, to je predivno! I to je apsolutno nešto što pokažem više od onoga što je u pozadini - ne zato jer to ne cijenim, nego zato jer je Egremni plaža u Grčkoj puno bolja fotka nego raspored mojih evenata ili mailova organizacije.

Pa evo i nečeg drugog sada, u čast putu koji sam upravo prošla, plesnoj ceremoniji koju sam držala tu u Zagrebu, gdje smo zaronili duboko u istraživanje teme (ponovnog uspostavljanja) ravnoteže. Evo me nakon doslovno cijelog dana dubokog predivnog posla, sati i sati pripreme (i godina i godina treninga i edukacija), evo me nakon dizanja teških predmeta, držanja ruke u teškom trenutku, nakon što sam dirnuta Duhom i ovim apsolutno predivinim ljudima a kojima sam imala čast raditi danas, nakon osjećaja ljubavi u svakoj svojoj stanici i u prostoru među nama, upravo sam završila svoju radnu nedjelju, došla doma u 23, prošetala psa i zagrlila voljene. Veličanstveno je ono što radimo. I često nije ni najmanje seksi. Pa zato slavim danas sav posao iza posla samog, ono što često ne pokažemo, nego ponizno prihvaćamo kao dio ovog putovanja. Slavim i zovem ravnotežu za sav posao koji svatko od nas radi, bez obzira na modalitet.

Više to ne zovem težak posao negoposvećeni posao.


#otherside #balance #rebalance #work #selfemployed #move #consciouswork #selfdevelopment #therapy #psychotherapy #movement #movementmedicinewithkaya #movewithkaya


